Butterfly Ball Gala

Central Coast State Parks Association (CCSPA) hosts the Butterfly Ball, taking place on Saturday, October 14th at the Octagon Barn in San Luis Obispo. Funds from this event will support the preservation of the Western Monarch butterfly, an iconic and beloved species on the brink of extinction that overwinters in our local State Parks.

The goal of the Butterfly Ball is to raise funds for a program CCSPA is launching, the “Western Monarch Trail.” The purpose of this effort is to shine a light on the plight of the Western Monarch population, which has declined more than 90% since the 1990s. This campaign will provide resources and educational materials that focus on preservation in locations where Monarchs roost and overwinter, including the Pismo State Beach Monarch Butterfly Grove and other local sites. We will be collaborating with other organizations and overwintering sites, such as Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, the Xerces Society, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with the hope of rebuilding the population of this valuable species.