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Fiscalini Ranch Preserve Monthly Work Day

What: Fiscalini Ranch Preserve Restoration & Stewardship Days
When: Monthly, on the 3rd Saturday, from 9am to noon; and most Wednesdays, from 8am to 10am
Reservation Needed: Yes, contact Friends of Fiscalini Ranch Preserve volunteer website or gro.airbmacprffobfsctd-19c2e0@hcnar to make arrangements.

Acquiring property for public access and open space is only the beginning of saving land for future generations. Some conserved lands are closed to the public to preserve them. It is the belief of Friends of Fiscalini Ranch Preserve, that by remaining open to the public, the Preserve can serve as the much-needed connection to nature that we all crave. But keeping the Ranch open and in a natural state means taking care of the land and its few improvements. No funds were given with the purchase of the preserve for maintenance, so volunteers are key to getting this work done.

Restoration activities and locations vary from month to month. The biggest job is to remove invasive, non-native plants so that the native vegetation can thrive and be enjoyed. Removing invasive plants makes room for wildflowers to return from dormant seeds still in the soil. A thriving native habitat provides better forage and shelter for wildlife, so in addition to more wildflowers visitors get to see more wildlife too.

Monthly volunteer workdays vary from plant restoration to trail maintenance and are held on the third Saturday of each month, from 9am to noon. You can also participate in mustard, radish and thistle removal efforts, which are held almost every Wednesday from 8am to 10am. Enjoy good exercise and great scenery while doing good work. The project and meeting place for both opportunities are announced by e-mail prior to each workday.