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Volunteer at Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Natural History Center

What: Natural History Center Restoration & Stewardship Days
When: As needed, year-round
Reservation Needed: Yes, contact the Dunes Center at (805) 343-2455 ext. 203 or gro.retnecsenudobfsctd-1f6ab4@nimda to make arrangements.

Founded in 1999, the Dunes Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. The Dunes Center was originally conceived by a group of concerned citizens and in 1989 The Nature Conservancy’s efforts to help preserve and restore the Guadalupe Beach and Oso Flaco Lake Naturals Areas planted the seeds for a dunes visitor center. The Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Complex is comprised of 18 miles of coastline and is one of the most ecologically significant and largest intact coastal dune ecosystems on earth. A significant portion of the nearly 22,000 acres is under public management and open for recreation.

The Volunteer Program at the Dunes Center is crucial to its ability to fulfill its mission. There are a wide variety of volunteer opportunities, tailored to people of all ages, skill levels, and backgrounds. Stewardship travelers work in the native plant garden, weeding, pruning and planting; volunteer at community service events in the dunes, such as ice-plant removals, native seed collections, and beach clean-ups. For more information about volunteering, visit the website.