Things To Do

135 results found.
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  • Whale Rock Reservoir
    Bird watchers and fishermen will enjoy this tranquil out-of-the-way spot
  • Beach Access Points
    Cambria has several beach access points located throughout town. 
  • Moonstone Beach

    Moonstone Beach

    Considered one of the Central Coast’s best beaches, Moonstone Beach is an ethereal outpost where waves meet a shoreline perfect for beachcombing.
  • Santa Rosa Creek Trail
    This trail reaches the Fiscalini Ranch near the Ridge trail.
  • Fern Canyon Henry Kluck Memorial Trail
    This trail passes through Fern Canyon, crosses Fern Drive and dead ends in a chaparral near Highway 1.
  • San Simeon State Park
    San Simeon State Park is one of the oldest units of the California State Park System.
  • Strawberry Canyon Trail
    The Strawberry Canyon trail is a large loop.  It is a secluded trail where you walk among towering pines.
  • Cerro San Luis Obispo Trail

    Cerro San Luis Obispo Trail

    San Luis Obispo
    Cerro San Luis Obispo is the large morro looming over San Luis Obispo with the big "M." 
  • Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Center Docent-Led Walks
    The Dunes Center hosts a wide variety of events and activities for members, students, volunteers, and the general public.
  • Leffingwell Landing
    Leffingwell Landing is a scenic spot to sit and enjoy the scenery.
  • Oceano Campground Nature Center
    Oceano Campground, located within Pismo State Beach, offers all kinds of attractions
  • Pismo Dunes Natural Preserve
    Towering, wind-sculpted sand dunes, a large pocket lake and unique freshwater wetland
  • Bob Jones Trail

    Bob Jones Trail

    San Luis Obispo
    The Bob Jones Trail is the "City to the Sea" bike trail
  • Oceano Hiking

    Oceano Hiking

    Leave everything behind re-immerse yourself in the natural world by foot.
  • Cambria Hikes

    Cambria Hikes

    When it comes to Cambria hiking trails, you’ll find deep pine forests, coastal bluffs, and famous boardwalks - find moonstones and hidden treasures.
  • Avila Beach Hiking Stewardship Travel Logo

    Avila Beach Hiking

    Avila Beach
    A trekker’s paradise, Avila Beach boasts a wide variety of hikes and trails, from challenging to casual.
  • Hiking in Cayucos
    Sweeping coastal views and a temperate climate make hiking the trails in and around Cayucos a must-do. Ready to hit the trail?
  • Edna Valley Hiking

    Edna Valley Hiking

    Edna Valley
    Grab some hiking shoes and water and leave everything else behind as you immerse yourself in endless hiking trails throughout Wine Coast Country.