Member Information

Welcome Unincorporated County Business Improvement District Constituents

The unincorporated County tourism Business Improvement District (CBID) created this section of the website to provide information to our constituents on the activities of the CBID Advisory Board and our Local Fund Area boards. 

We welcome your feedback and questions. Please call our Administrator, Cheryl Cuming at 805-547-CBID (2243), or email her at moc.DIBytnuocOLSobfsctd-7a7ad2@nimda

Our goal is to provide consistent, open and clear communications to our constituents, our partners and the public.

Run Dates: January 6 through February 8, 2025


ANCHOR LINKS: (these take a second to load and go to specific part of page)


Wildlife Map 

Map Sign-Up Landing Page: 



Additional Video Options – should be used secondary to videos above.

FLICKR Albums – should be used secondary to the photos chosen for Display Ads

H1RT Blog

H1RT Email

SF Gate Story Studio

Highway 1 Road Trip Brand Assets

Run Dates: September 5 – November 15, 2023

Campaign Overview:

Our campaign aims to promote the ultimate road trip experience on Highway 1, focusing on the charm of small towns and the plethora of big experiences that await travelers. Whether it’s adventure, relaxation, or exploration, our campaign showcases how Highway 1 has something to offer for every traveler’s unique style and preferences – all within a close proximity to one another. The goal is to convey that you can see Hearst Castle, visit a stunning vista, drink amazing wines – all in one day!



The CBID Advisory Board meetings are held monthly on the 4th Wednesday from 12 – 3pm. Monthly agendas are posted at the County Building. Please contact our Administrator with any questions.